Series of online debates | Conference will be held in English
Edition II: Equality or uniformization? #RealWomensRights

08 III 2021 | 4:00 – 7:30 PM (CET)



media patronage

Idea of the conference

The purpose of the Women’s Rights Conference is to analyze the realization of women’s rights in today’s world. Nowadays, the term ‘women’s rights’ is often used as a slogan in an ideological or political debate and there is an ever growing need to establish the use of this term in a non-ideological manner. This is a crucial element in the debate concerning the real threats that women face on a day-to-day basis in various aspects of their lives, and will in turn allow us to provide more effective solutions to strengthen and protect their rights and freedoms. We believe that what is often said to be the case of women’s discrimination, does not always meet the real struggle women deal with when pursuing their needs and desires. The topic of women’s rights needs to be touched upon in an objective way, free from the bias of ideology, in order to present the true threats to women’s rights in the modern world, as well as to provide effective solutions to strengthen the realization of these rights. Our aim is to propose the most effective solutions to the problems faced by women today and find ways in which all women can work together to strengthen their roles and participate in resolving the problems they face in today’s society.



We would like to continue our series of discussions concerning the various issues related to women’s rights. The first edition took place on November 12th 2020 and was dedicated to political and philosophical contexts of the debate concerning women’s rights in the global context and the question of women’s health rights.

During the second edition, which will be held on March 8th of this year, we are going to discuss the gender perspective and the question of whether it is a proper way to address the needs and problems women are facing in modern society. Our panelists will elaborate on the topic of doctrinal backgrounds of the gender perspective, its vision concerning femininity, masculinity, relations between the sexes, the fight against discrimination, and the issue of the evolution of this term at the international level.

Nowadays, the gender perspective is presented as a main instrument to acquire equality between men and women. Despite numerous doubts and objections against this concept presented in literature and public debate, it was included in the official canon of discussions in international institutions. Despite the widespread lack of support of various countries around the world, this concept is still particularly strongly present in documents of non-binding nature and is likely to find entry into binding European law soon. Our panelists will try to answer the substantial questions – is the gender perspective compatible with a woman’s perspective? Does the gender perspective really lead to equality, or may it rather enhance uniformization, discrimination and – potentially – eradicata femininity from the modern world?



Sharon Slater

President at Family Watch International.

Birgit Kelle

Journalist and Author of several books on Gender Ideology.

Gabriela Legaspi de Csáky-Pallavicini, Phd

Diplomat, Scholar, Author of several books (Austria)

Karolina Pawłowska

Director of the Center of the International Law in Ordo Iuris Institute.

Prof. Angela Gandra

Secretary for the Family at the Ministry of Family and Human Rights in Brazil. Lawyer and attorney. Professor at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie.

Małgorzata Terlikowska

Ethic, journalist, author of books (Poland)

Alix Lejard

Since 2015 the delegate to the European Parliament for the French NGO Femina Europa.

Maria José Vilaça

Maria José Vilaça
Founding member of Centre for Study and Resources on Theology of Love, of The Portuguese Catholic Psychologists Association, responsible for Rachel Vineyard and FORUM WAHOU! in Portugal and SALL – Association for Defending Freedom.

Neydy Casillas

Senior legal counsel for the OAS and Latin America for ADF International


1. Karolina Pawłowska – Introduction.

2. Prof. Angela Gandra – Equity and Co-responsibility at home. Rebuilding the dialogue. A positive way out to composition against opposition.

3. DR Gabriela Legaspi de Csáky – Impact of gender theories on society. Perspective of a mother.

4. Sharon Slater – The Gender Agenda: Keep Out of Reach of Children.

5Alix Lejard – Is the gender perspective compatible with women’s identity? Answer given by 3 prominent feminist philosophers and Femina Europa.

6. Birgit Kelle – Women`s Rights – But what is a woman? – How Trans- and LGBT-Lobby has captured Feminism.

7. Maria Jose Vilaca – The Right to be Different.

8. Neydy Casillas – Women rights protection at the International Institutions (UN and OAS).

 9. Małgorzata Terlikowska – Role of woman’s genius in St John Paul II thought.